Many of us express our concerns, our hurts, our fears, etc in the form of prayer request. We trust that people will pray over them. We say we will, we say we do but do we really? I've realized how important it is to follow through not only on that statement alone but on our word. Many of the times there are no words to comfort, there is no problem to fix. It just is what it is. Alll we can do is lift it to god. God can comfort us and be our strength.
God is powerful and all things can be done through him. He can heal the sick and preform all kinds of miracles. He can be the superglue that holds it all together. We must let go of our own pride, of I can take care of it, I can do it, and truely break ourselves of ourselves and let god do what he does. We may not understand it, we probably wont understand it but that is why god is god and we must trust him with all we have. We must pray for one another and believe he can. Its ok to be upset and angry but we must find joy in who he is and what he is capable of. Give it to him, he is all powerful and in control
Sara? I needed this. Once again, we are on the same brain wave AND I believe that the Lord definitely planned it for me to randomly get on my computer and look at your blog... which is weird... and read this. Thank you friend. God is in control, and prayer does so many more wonders than our own actions ever could.